Search: i did it my way barefoot » Page 2
65 stories
Ask the Winter Soldier

Book 1 • Completed For memory's sake.

123.5K 164 4.1K Full
Çręępÿpåštå Zødîåç Bøøk 2

Part 2 of my first creepypasta zodiac so enjoy my lil creepy crawlersyea there's a first one. freaking read it u creeps♥︎

1.3M 184 14.9K
Cover Gallery

#7 in What's Hot on 21.09.2016.Open [ ]On Hold [ ]Closed [ ✓] Need a book cover? Feel free to request it here. Sample book covers inside...

14K 146 1.4K Full
Nemophilist || h.s. [ON HOLD]

In which Harry Styles is ordered by his new boss to guard a girl who is inevitably in love with nature, specifically tall fields of grass.(Or)I don't know what it is, but ever since I could walk on my own, I've always loved running into the middle of fields, barefoot sometimes, and raising my hands as high as I can, relishing in the moment.My mother says it's the adrenaline that unleashes through my body when I get lost in all the flowers and noiseless peace, but the feeling in my heart tells me I just truly love nature and all of its sick, shocking truths.The day my peaceful, sunny afternoons came to an end, is the same day I found out my father wasn't who he said he was and didn't do what he said he did.My mother knew, my family knew, hell- even my friends knew. Yet I suffered the pain of being naive and oblivious. Innocent, ignorant.However, that day is the same day that my life got a full shot of adrenaline, and somehow I ended up in the passenger seat of a sleek black car, with my bags packed in the trunk and a mysterious, sexy man to my left- driving me away from the only thing I've ever known.((The first actual chapter will litter this brief explanation with more details and information, but not all. Be prepared for a bumpy ride. -null))

494 9 7
Barefoot Cinderella

Sometimes, life doesn't turn out the way it is supposed to....Take Ariel Winters for example. She was supposed to have two parents who dotted on their little Elle. Two best friends who'd be with her through thick and thin. a loving prince charming that, when the time comes, would whisk her away to a live filled with love. A life that would be envied by many....But, unfortunately, she got an absentee father, a dead mother, an enemy who was formerly her best friend, a vicious stepsister and a cold-hearted and cunning stepmother who didn't care whether she lived or died as long as she serves her purpose.Now she yearns for her prince more than she ever had before.... Follow Ariel Winters on a journey of self-discovery and self-worth as she tackles vicious stepsisters and high school, tries to find herself in the world that is trying to drag her down, all the while getting her prince charming to finally notice her.[Under-going heavy editing. If things don't add up between chapters, don't worry. They will once I am done with them.] ........................................................................................................................ Cover art : @underworlders

6.5K 15 503
Falling in Love & Other Diasters

I probably should have considered his marriage proposal for more than thirty seconds before I said yes. But I'd lost track of the number of times Brenton had bailed me out of sticky situations, so I figured pretending to be his fiancé to prove to his parents that he has his life in order and is therefore ready to take over the family company was the least I could do. Except that nothing in my life had ever gone according to plan, so I really shouldn't have been surprised that being in a fake relationship didn't work out the way I thought it would either. Problem Number One: Brenton's in love with another woman. He's been pining over her for years, but his parents would never approve, so he's kept his feelings locked up. And everyone knows that bottling up emotion never ends badly. Problem Number Two: Bodhi, Brenton's college roommate. Brenton begged him to move to town, partly because he needs a friend and partly because he hopes to use Bodhi's talents as a contractor to help him expand his family's company. Which I wouldn't have so much of a problem with if I didn't find Bodhi so damn irresistible. Looks like everything that can go wrong it about to go horribly, disastrously wrong.

694 10 39
Art Book 3 (Cringy-er Than Ever)

(Modern note, I suggest looking at my later chapters, as they are typically more up to par with my current artistic capabilities. But I would still appreciate if you look at the earlier ones if you decide my art journey is for you! Thank you for stopping by!)Another one of these. Fan-f**king-tastic.I have a passion and joy for art, doubt I'll stop doing it, therefore I am posting it here. If it inspires another person or gives them that little fan squeal moment, then that's a win for me.This is gonna contain fanart, original art, all my dumb OCs, comics, sketches, concept art, and who knows what else.Fair warning: The book will likely contain violence or dark topics at some points. I will post warnings, so please follow those if some drawings and stories may be triggering.Thank you for enjoying my work, and cheers to inspiration~! 💙~Shaye

7.4K 139 859 Full
This Is Who I Am

Available on Amazon....This is only Part of the collection.....This is the greatest work I will ever release. It is my poetic journey through life, which was a hidden world to those around me. I struggled for so many years to keep it altogether, because I was too scared of the truth that I was living through. I essentially became two people. The girl who appeared to have a good childhood, and the other was a girl who was very broken and torn. I was the only one allowed to know about her. She lived in a world that contained sexual abuse, bulimia, and suicidal thoughts. These are not things that I am proud of, but I lived through them. I lived for so many years without a voice because I feared fear itself. These words were my voice when I could not speak. In my darkest hours I managed to express the pain and hurt I was experiencing through these poems. Some are as far back as fourth grade, while others were recently written. I locked away those darken days, and I completely stopped writing for 10 years. I had lost hope of ever fulfilling my dream, but when all those vial memories came flooding back, I turned to writing. I had locked away so much that I truly believed none of the truth was really real. It was too much to believe. How could I have lived through the hell that I was presented with. It was real, and I did live through it. Today, I am fulfilling my dream of sharing my words with the world. I aspire to help others find their voice, and stop being a victim. I always viewed myself as a weak, insignificant person, but today I stand before you as a strong individual who overcame a mountain of unfortunate events. Thanks to God, I was saved. He saw me through the dark hours, and now the world can hear my voice.

200 25 13
first time 😳

setting up shop again

6K 191 402
1D fics that I love here in wattpad!!! =)

Hi! I'm gonna make a list of the 1D fics (mostly boyxboy) that I totally love here in wattpad! so if you don't know what to read next then you can try them! By the way read my Lirry story! I hope you like it :P

21.5K 44 181
The Princess, The Thief and The Servant

"It's okay, kid. I'm going to get you out of this." "Promise?" "I promise." Julia stood up straight and gently held the hand of the terrified kid beside her, giving them the chance to pull away. When they didn't, she carefully surveyed the guards around them. She never broke a promise. ~~~ Lily watched impassive as the smirking prince strolled through the throne room and up to the King and Queen, her parents. She watched as he shoved aside a hurrying servant that had gotten in his way and the servant scrambled not to drop what they had been carrying. She watched as he had the audacity to ask for her hand in marriage. She watched still and expressionless, never acting, always watching. ~~~ Evelyn slipped through the barely opened door into the room she knew to be lined with vaults. Finally, she spotted the one she was looking for. "Bingo," She whispered softly as she made her way over to it. Punching in the code she had stolen three days before, the door opened with ease and she slipped her hand inside. Alarms blared. Evelyn cursed as the footsteps of guards running grew closer. She had just done the one thing she could never do in her line of work. She had made a mistake. ~~~ Three girls who lead very different lives stumble upon each other by chance and find something they never imagined they would have. Safety, love, and a chance. A chance to act rather than standing still, forever hiding and watching. A chance to change their world.Started: July 7thFinished: Some day in the future, I hope

78 6 9
Catgirl proffessor

Nya-w then, are you a catboy or a catgirl?

3.5K 196 197
• Bromance Ideas • [For Sale]

I'm just a girl that has a fascination with gay ships that wants to sell ideas to people like me.

9.5K 120 195
I wish i could make all the shit i have to add for a new book more engaging

Hello lesbian community are these two *picture of zoey and dawn pokemon* an example of 'butch' and 'femme'?

3.9K 188 190

Yeah, I know, I already have a random thing going on, but this one isn't specific to anything!(as it should be...)That's me standing barefoot in the snow.Just so you know.

8.3K 257 602
The nouveau riche's ex-wife is reborn

Original Title. : 暴发户的前妻重生了Author. : 浣若君MTL-ing, I'm using machine translator..😅Chen Meilan was born again, when she and her daughter was abandoned by her nouveau riche ex-husband in 1988 .She missed a large courtyard in the suburbs, and the four zeros in her passbook. Later, she regretted Yan Zhao came down from the battlefield from self-defense. He got a lot of medal but took the initiative to give up his honor. He returned to his hometown and joined the Public Security Bureau.Chen Meilan with her children was eager to find a place to stay for herself. Chen Meilan was registered in a rural area. The courtyard given by her ex-husband was not in her name. It was also an ant on a hot pot. At this time, someone led Yan Zhao to her and Yan Zhao liked her. He also have a child, as long as she can bear it a little bit, he will not treat her child bad . Chen Meilan look at this man in a military uniform. He is tall and has a cold face. Thinking about her previous life, it is precisely because of his uprightness at work, her ex-nouveau riche husband Xiao San would be in prison because of the collapse of the coal mine. Suddenly she felt that this man was very good, and she could marry him!The Beauty's of second marriage life begins like this...

100.5K 191 2K
Sigh. Encanto

Ugh. Do i haaaave to wattpad

6.1K 194 203
From Inside

"Momma said I'm not crazy" she says with a twisted smile, her yellow teeth exposed against her pale, cracked, chapped lips. "You killed your mother." the police officer says harshly, tightening the cuffs around her hands, still covered in a sickeningly sticky red liquid. Blood. Her own mothers blood. "That sounds pretty damn crazy to me." The girl laughs wickedly, sounding both childish and possessed at the same time. It gave the officer chills. "Me? Kill Momma? Oh, no. No, no, no. Momma is fine." The officer walks the barefoot girl outside, trying to steer her to avoid the shattered glass. But, the girl steps in it anyway. It pierces her skin and lodges itself deep inside her foot. But, this delusional girl didn't so much as flinch. For all she knew, she could've been walking across satin sheets. The officer shakes his head disbelievingly. He thinks this girl is entirely nuts. Loco. Off her rocker. He pushes her into the back seat of his car, her bloodied body now concealed by the glass that held all arrested criminals. Although, it's hard to think of someone this psychotic as criminal. Criminally insane, maybe.. But, just simply branded as a criminal? That was beyond him. But, he had to do his job. Officer DeMarcus would never forget the look of demented glee on this girls face as he drove her away from the only home she's ever known. ••All characters and the plot of this book are entirely my own. Any likenesses to real people or events is purely coincedental. Don't reproduce, copy, translate, or make any references to my characters or plot in any way, shape, or form, without explicit permission from the author.

555 2 29
Graphics by Victoria | permanently closed

This shop is permanently closed. For information on paid commissions, please check my profile. Looking for a dazzling new cover for that brand new book? Just browsing? Well, click that cute, little read button and look at all the choices! There are premade designs to choose from, but I also take requests for any type of graphics. ▴▴▴ All of these graphics are designed by me, but they may use elements from other sources. ▴▴▴ Copyright © TinHoverCarInIce ™ 2016-19

52K 95 3.8K
Bianca's book of RANDOM

Because when I want to, I can be a weird random and crazy chick.

78.1K 511 4.8K
Incubator Ave

A story of five young boys in post War Britain, brought up through the War fatherless, living in the backstreets, before they were pulled down to make way for the high rise flats and Council estates. Mothers did their best to discipline their kids till Dads came ho-me from the War, being strangers to many kids, it was a difficult time as many boys were wild children, naughty but not evil.These five pals were inseparable, from poor working class families who got up to hilarious mischief. There were no bicycles or roller skates, fun was where you found it, games were made up as you went along. For Christmas we had a Mars Bar, an orange and a comic book. Our houses were two up two down terraces, the toilets at the end of the yard in a row. I'd listen to a neighbour holding a conversation with another neighbour whilst in these brick toilets from my bedroom window. Each chapter is an hilarious episode of events that happened to me and four pals. Incubator Ave was the name given to our street because there were so many kids in it (before television came out).Eventually the street is pulled down and the families are dispersed to other areas. The five boys lives as a group are no more, new friends are made and Incubator Ave lives on in Albie (me) and the sense of humour and wit with it.

286 20 4
Barefooting 103b: Shared Barefooting Experiences - Team International

So, when it comes to my "Barefooting 101: A Barefooter's Interviews" book here on Wattpad, one of my friends noticed that I did not have any pictures of people actually barefooting to match the images. So, I created 2 separate books, which is something I should have done for "Barefooting 101: A Barefooter's Interviews" for when I first started it, but now doing it for this book. So, this is the same concept as "Barefooting 101: A Barefooter's Interviews", but there are fewer questions and now a picture of the person barefooting underneath as a way to show the image matches the text.Now, with all of that being said, there are going to be 2 books dedicated to people sharing their barefooting experiences, one for the USA, and one for everyone outside the USA (the International Edition). That way, it makes things quick, but more content at the same time despite there are fewer questions being asked. At the time, the reason for 2 books, instead of one big one like my "Barefooting 101: A Barefooter's Interviews" book, is to show what is it like for people who are barefooting in the USA while comparing and contrasting people who are barefooting in countries outside the USA. So, welcome the USA Edition.I really do want to thank my good friend, Irda M., for being the cover page of this book.

783 4 2
Cricket News

Get latest news on cricket, Also get detailed analysis and live cricket score.

722 133 7
A Different Cinderella Story

It wasn't me who compared my story to Cinderella, but now that I think about it, it's quiet close. Except that my prince charming wasn't my savior, but rather the one and only reason for my misery.Jason Montgomery, my step brother who made sure to make my life a living hell every single day... the basic rich popular bad boy you can find in every story. I didn't let him get away with it though, what did I do?I -unintentionally- made sure he fell in love with me.

772 8 52
My Boyfriend's Best Friend

Rylie Willow thought life was over when her best friend and first boyfriend moved away to England. But with the help of his best mate, Aidan, she was able to overcome her grief and learn to live without him by her side. Three years later, Aidan and Rylie are celebrating their one year anniversary when a figure from both their past's returns and upsets everything they've worked to achieve. What will happen to Aidan and Rylie's relationship now that Connor is back in the picture? Can Connor let Rylie go? And more importantly, does Rylie really want him to? Sneak Peek!I ran my hand through my hair and giggled as Aidan playfully pinched my bum. He rested his head on my shoulder and I leaned mine into his. I reached forward and opened the door. A lone figure was standing in the doorway with the late sunset blinding my eyes. It took a moment for me to regain sight and when I did there was no mistaking the figure in front of me. His blue eyes were flicking between Aidan and me and putting the pieces together. His mouth dropped open and I felt mine do the same. "Connor?" My Boyfriend's Best Friend is a young adult romance and has some mature scenes. All work is my own and any infringements of copyright is totally, 100% accidental. If you copy my work, you will step on Lego. Barefoot. On that note, please enjoy my work and let me know what you think :)

46.4K 24 1.3K
The Feel Of Poetry #Wattys2017

#28 in poetry. I love reading poetry just as I enjoy writing poems. It was always my desire to write poetry but just didn't get down to it. Now that I have a bit of time on hand I have decided to compile a book of all my poems.HOPE YOU ENJOY !!!

10.3K 106 4.8K